We hope you are all doing well in this second week of our shelter-in-place. Please enjoy this week's videos from Bro. Secretary Roger Moore and Bro. Junior Deacon Hal Church. Remember to reach out if we can help with something. We are here to help.
Hello all, Please enjoy this months edition of our lodge Trestleboard. Please note that the calendar has been removed as all masonic events have been cancelled. This includes our stated meeting (so please ignore the last page of the Trestleboard). Thanks for your continued support. Stay healthy and help others.
Brethren and Friends, In an effort to keep you informed on the Lodge's affairs and improve your spirits during this unprecedented time, the officers of Morning Star Lodge will be posting weekly video updates. We hope that in lieu of meeting at the Temple, these videos will help you enjoy a sense of masonic fellowship at home and at your own leisure. Take care, wash your hands, keep a social distance (but don't forget to check on others, too) and stay healthy until we all can return to work in the quarry. Click the link below and please enjoy this week's videos from Worshipful Sonny Gotos and Junior Warden Daniel Tao. |
June 2023