Hello all! We hope this edition of our Trestleboard finds you all safe, happy, and healthy. Don't forget to RSVP for our drive-thru dinner (privately sponsored by some kind folks) by Tuesday, December 1st! Details inside the Trestleboard.
Hello all! After a short summer break, we are pleased to present to you the November edition of our Trestleboard. Please enjoy and don't forget that we are looking for submissions to share in our next edition. Also, please RSVP with John and Karen Baker if you are interested in our November drive-thru dinner (ham and sides) ASAP!
Please enjoy the July / August edition of Morning Star's Trestleboard. In it you'll find messages from our officers and the Most Worshipful John Trauner, Grand Master of Masons in California. Until we can meet again in person remember to stay safe and healthy! Wash your hands frequently, wear a face mask, and avoid crowded public places.
Please enjoy this latest edition of The Trestleboard. As you read it, we hope you are safe, happy, and healthy. Remember to take care of yourself and each other.
Please enjoy the latest edition of our Trestleboard. This edition includes some throwback pictures we hope will remind you of more sociable times. Time, patience, and perseverance will get us back! For now, please take care of yourself, each other, and stay healthy.
June 2023