Bro. Dominic Weatherford was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on Thursday, February 28th. The acting Worshipful Master was Bro. James Linnerman, PM. The Staircase Lecture was given by Bro. Daniel Tao, Senior Deacon, and the charge was delivered by Bro. Harlow "Hal" Church.
Below are some pictures from that evening. When asked what he thought of his degree, Bro. Dominic said, "There was a lot of info to take in and I enjoyed it!"
Yesterday, March 21st, we initiated Mr. Isaac DeJesus into our gentle Craft. Bro. DeJesus waited very patiently for his election to receive degrees and that very same patience was rewarded by an excellent degree by the officers and sideliners of Morning Star Lodge. If you couldn't make it to the degree (and why didn't you?), please watch our newest obligated brother's introduction during refreshment below! Don't forget to like and share this post on Facebook and Twitter. Spring is here along with Morning Star's April edition of The Trestleboard. We hope you enjoy it! And don't forget to share and like this post on Facebook and Twitter!
Brethren of Morning Star Lodge and their families celebrated St. Patrick's Day at the Stonecutters weekly on Friday, March 15th. A good time was had by all!
On March 14th, John Paul Pozar, grandson of the esteemed Brother John Collins Pozar, was initiated into our gentle craft. We welcome him to Morning Star Lodge and the Brotherhood.
June 2023